Anxiety, Stress & Worry
If you are reading this section of my website you may have been experiencing anxiety symptoms for a while, or you may have had a sudden onset of uncomfortable symptoms. You probably have all ready tried a few ways to alleviate your symptoms and yet anxiety continues to present itself. Many people suffer from anxiety and I have had much success helping clients in this area.
Anxiety can show up in many ways and interferes in one's enjoyment of life. For some anxiety shows up as an inability to fall asleep or relax. For others anxiety might show up as a fear, panic, obsessions and/or compulsions, or distressing dreams. There may be an avoidance or fear of a specific situation, social performance, leaving home, or being around others in general. Anxiety can cause some to isolate themselves.
Sometimes anxiety shows itself in physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, stomach upset, sweating, chills, dizziness, tingling, or chest pain. One might think they are going crazy or have a fear of dying.
Participating in counseling is a positive step in dealing with your symptoms. As uncomfortable as you probably feel, your symptoms are attempting to bring attention to an area of your life. One positive thing that anxiety often causes is the desire or motivation to find a way to alleviate the symptoms. Within this desire to rid oneself of the uncomfortable symptoms is the opportunity for change to happen. I can help you explore what is creating your anxiety symptoms and together we can discover what is trying to emerge so that you can find your calm place within.